D.T. Stubblefield is an unashamed bibliophile, former editor, wife, mother of three beautiful girls, and servant to a fur baby! She can usually be found with her nose stuck in a book, listening to an audiobook, or typing away on her next book.
D.T. Stubblefield is an unashamed bibliophile, former editor, wife, mother of three beautiful girls, and servant to a fur baby! She can usually be found with her nose stuck in a book, listening to an audiobook, or typing away on her next book.

D.T. Stubblefield was born and raised in a rural town in South Carolina. After reading Skeleton Crew by Stephen King, she was certain she would grow up to be an amazing writer. Those plans were placed on hold when she decided to study mass communications and not creative writing in college. After graduating, much to the disappointment of her seven-year-old self, D.T. did not become a writer or journalist, instead, she entered the world of the federal government as an editor and eventually became a manager.
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Author of The Siphoning
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the siphoning
The Goddess is good. The Goddess is pure.
Assassin Drakon Deathmark has heard those mantras his entire life. It’s not until he comes face-to-face with her that he realizes she’s more demon than deity.
Drakon conceals his innate power while yearning for the magic derived from the goddess’s blessing, which is reserved for nobility.
When a treacherous mission goes awry, he uncovers a prophecy pitting him against an ancient evil intent on vengeance. Drakon and his allies must defeat a demon masquerading as a goddess, her growing Army, and unravel millennia of deceit before she lays waste to their world.
For Drakon, the path to survival means overcoming past trauma and possibly relinquishing the power he has worked so hard to acquire.